The All Cancers Congress (ACC) is coordinated by the International Myeloma Foundation to bring together patient advocacy organizations whose mission is focused on one or more forms of cancer and who operate within the federal policy and regulatory space. Too often, cancer advocacy organizations work on projects and set goals without the support or knowledge of other likeminded groups. Only after an initiative is undertaken do outside organizations become aware of a new program issue area or policy push. The goal of the ACC is to break the current silo model and establish an open venue for any cancer group to share and discuss ideas so that everyone interested can become involved at the ground floor. By pooling our knowledge bases and resources, we believe we can greatly enhance our effectiveness for our patient populations, specifically in the areas of prevention, innovation, and equality of access.
COVID-19 Response
During the COVID-19 pandemic the members of the ACC quickly realized that there would be specific needs of the cancer community. We immediately began meeting on a weekly basis to discuss cancer specific concerns related to access for patients and how certain responses to the pandemic may impact access. We wrote letters to state governors on issues such as expanding 90-day supply and discriminatory pandemic plans.
News and Events
FY21 Appropriations Enactment Letter
The undersigned organizations convene under the All Cancers Congress (ACC), a group of cancer non- profits dedicated to working together for the benefit of all cancer patients write to urge you to work toward the enactment of a Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) Defense Appropriations Act, to ensure that critical medical research programs related to several forms of cancer (breast, blood, colorectal, kidney, melanoma, pancreatic, brain cancer, lung, liver, ovarian, pediatric brain tumors, prostate, stomach and other forms of cancers) included within the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) are fully funded in FY21 as a component of the Defense Appropriations Act.
2020 National Preferred Formulary Exclusions Impact on Cancer Patients
The undersigned organizations convene under or support the All Cancers Congress (ACC), a group of cancer non-profits dedicated to working together for the benefit of all cancer patients. We write to make you aware of our opposition to the inclusion of oral oncology treatments in the 2020 National Preferred Formulary Exclusion list released by Express Scripts. Due to the nature of cancer, patient care is very individualized and access to every available treatment is necessary to ensure patients can slow or stop disease progression. The exclusion of any treatment from coverage will place an undue burden on patients to cover the full cost of treatment or force the provider to select a sub-optimal treatment plan.